Stop Being Everyone's Mule! Stop Being Everyone's Beast Of Burden

                                    Stop Being Everyone's Mule




   As an African American Woman the cover was not designed to insult. It was designed to wake up black women. Make African American women realize how everyone have been using them for centuries. 


 The title of this book tells exactly what the book is about. 

Historically black women has been the major supporters of everyone's causes but their own. They supported and marched with everyone and everything to the Civil Rights Movement to The Feminist Movement.  

However, it's strange but not unusual when it comes to others giving the same support to black women there a sudden great void of silence and feign of deafness. 

So, I say black women are going to have to teach others we are not to taken for grant.  This applies to the black man as well. You only reciprocate support that has been given to you. It's time for black women to wake up and see that if something is not beneficial to you then it is not worth supporting. 

Black women have to begin to learn to look out for themselves because when we are spent from taking care of others then who will look after us? Gone are the respectful days of taking care of the elderly, invalids and sick. We are living in the 'me' era where it's pretty much every person for his or her self.





#African Americans



  1. I wrote this book because too many African American women are not living their fullest potential because they are too busy taking care of everyone but themselves.


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